special cutting functions, sync feature classification device inside the machine, the material crushed by the airflow through the classification system and the collection, classification devices typically replace grinding equipment the screen can be simultaneously pulverized powder sorting and two manufacturing processes, it demonstrated a one-time into a powder residue, the yield of 100%.
Wheat Flour Mill can always adjust the product fineness, fineness uniform, without increasing the sifter screening. Flour machine consumables used in all special wear-resistant material or carbide manufacturing, wear resistance, low cost replacement of wearing parts, meet the health standards for various products.
Device equipped with a cooling system in the body of the heat-sensitive materials and processing to ensure the color, taste and quality materials. Common type has good heat function, to avoid the temperature rise caused by deterioration of the material, to continuous operation.
Wheat Scourer
downtime can always clear material and anti-jam capabilities, to ensure the normal operation of the equipment and keep functioning automatic cleanup and smash a variety of different materials. Mixing, it demonstrated once into a powder residue, no circulation smash, to ensure uniformity of the various ingredients. Feed size limitation, without crushing directly into the machine, and can adapt to a variety of different materials moisture without drying equipment distribution.