
Principle vibro separator happened

The dust particles in the vibro separator, with the vibro separator or non-inertial motion of the rules by the Brownian motion of a field of force, or the action of moving, when the movement of particles hitting other objects among objects existing in the van der Waals force (molecules and molecules, and molecules forces between molecules) the Vibro Discharger particles stick to the fiber surface. Dust into the filter media a chance to hit more media, hit the media will be stuck. Smaller dust collide to form larger particles will bond with each other and settling dust particle concentration in the vibro separator is relatively stable. Indoor and wall fade because of this reason. The same fiber filters look like a sieve is wrong. Inertia and Small Roller Mill spread of dust particles in the vibro separator stream for inertial motion, when faced with messy fiber arrangement, change the direction of the vibro separator flow, due to inertia deviate from the direction of grain, hit the fibers to be bonded. The larger particles are more likely to crash, the better. Small particles of dust as irregular Brownian motion. The smaller the particles, the more strenuous exercise without rules, the more chance hit Belt Conveyor obstacles, filter effect will be better. Particles less than 0.1 microns in the vibro separator mainly for Brownian motion, small particles, filter effects. Greater than 0.3 micron particles mainly for inertial motion, the higher the greater the efficiency of the particles. Diffusion and inertia is not obvious was the most difficult to filter out particles. When measuring the performance of high efficiency filter, dust often prescribed efficiency measurement difficult to measure.

