
Bucket elevator model selection

As commonly used lifting equipment , hoist bucket selection subject to many factors , the model will use the wrong party brought untold trouble. General decided bucket elevator Selection depends on several factors : 1, the form of materials : Material is powdery or granular or small lumps . 2 , the physical properties of materials : Material There is no adsorption or viscosity, is water . 3 , the proportion of materials : general bucket elevator parameters are for bulk density in the material design and calculation of 1.6 or less , the proportion of material need to be much traction and transmission parts tensile strength calculations. 4 , the delivery amount per unit time. In general, the morphology of the material discharge directly determine the manner of materials commonly used rule of powdered materials projectile discharge centrifugal , gravity unloading bulk materials , and the different ways of discharge decisions adopted by bucket elevator hopper form different projectile discharge centrifuge bucket and use more shallow arc bucket, but requires the use of deep fighting gravity discharge . Seed Cleaning Equipment used in different types of material throughput per unit time in the upgrade is not the same. Bucket elevator conveyor final amount depends on the form of the hopper , bucket rate, the proportion of materials , material properties, buckets of a comprehensive argument. Selection process is as follows : the proportion of materials → Transmission ( bucket type ) → material properties → → hopper discharge mode to enhance the volume of the series form → bucket elevator → OK models.

